Most recent lineages based on data last downloaded on 2024-07-08

We currently catalog more than 100 officially designated dengue virus lineages across all four serotypes.

Use one of these tools to assign lineages to your sequences.

The global distribution and phylogenetic tree of each genotype, major lineage, and minor lineage can be visualized by clicking the names in the table. If an exact sequence you expect to see here seems missing, it may not have been released yet on GenBank, or it may not be included in our build.

Genotype Most common region First sampled
1I Southeast Asia 1944-01-01
1II Southeast Asia 1960-01-01
1III East Asia 1980-01-01
1IV Southeast Asia 1974-01-01
1V South America 1956-01-01
1VI Southeast Asia 2014-01-01
1VII Sub Saharan Africa 1970-01-01
2I Pacific 1959-01-01
2II East Asia 1969-01-01
2III South America 1981-01-01
2IV Southeast Asia 1987-01-01
2V Southeast Asia 1964-01-01
2VI Sub Saharan Africa 1966-01-01
3I South Asia 1978-01-01
3II Southeast Asia 1973-01-01
3III North America 1966-01-01
3V Southeast Asia 1956-01-01
4I Southeast Asia 1956-01-01
4II South America 1953-01-01
4III Southeast Asia 1996-01-01
4IV Southeast Asia 1973-01-01